March was a busy month for us. Casey's parents took us to DC for a week long vacation touring our nation's capitol. It was our last hoorah before little Maddie comes. I lived in VA for a few years, so I'd been to DC a lot, but we still did so much that I hadn't seen or done before. We had a little private tour of the Supreme Court building, which was so very interesting. Our guide took us into the actual courtroom and gave a little lecture explaining how hearings worked and who sat where and so on. Other sites and activites: most every monument, zoo, a couple Smithsonians, America Indian musuem, China town for a killer lunch, and I'm sure there's so much more that I'm not remembering.
We also rented a car and took a trip down to the school I went to, Southern Virginia University. We stayed with my old softball coach and enjoyed a day of relaxing and just visiting the campus. Then we headed to Charlottsville and did a little shopping then visited Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello. We ended our trip with a day in Baltimore, doing a little shopping and eating and wandering around until our flight. It was a great trip.
We got back to the Valley and celebrated our 1 year anniversary the next day. We didn't have much planning time for anything special, so we just went to breakfast at the same place we went the day after we got married- Cracker and Co. Sooooo good- eat there- soon. Then I was a bad wife and had to leave my husband for quite a while to do some bridesmaid dress shopping with my friend who was in town for the weekend. We ended the day with some Papa Johns pizza and a movie- we're so romantic, I know. But the next weekend we did go out and have a nice dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant then went to the symphony.
Also in this busy month, my sister Tasha threw me a baby shower. It was way cute- with a french countryside theme. We had brunch, complete with crepes, bacon, fruit, muffins, juice and cupcakes. It was so good to see friends and family, and we got a lot of cute and much needed baby items.

Wow you have been busy! It sounds like you had a great time and as anniversarys go it sounds like you guys celebrated like any one else would! By the way the pic at the end of this blog is why I didn't want to be in the picture! All the platt originals look great and then there is me:( blah! Let us know how you are doing!!
You look so cute:) Just to answer your questions, Shane is going to school to be a lineman. A lineman is someone who works on & fixes power lines. The guys that climb the poles & such. I'm not a huge fan of the idea, but I'll support him:) We're hoping it gets us moved back up to SJ or somewhere around there. Hope all is well!
Hey Jessie, I saw your blog on someone elses and just thought that I would say Hi. You look so adorable prego. Congrats, I am assuming from the baby shower decorations that you are having a girl, that will be a lot of fun. Sounds like you had an awesome trip to Washington D.C. too, I am jealous I have always wanted to go there, maybe some day soon.
Brooke "Pulsipher"
You are so cute! I love your hair like that! Also, thanks for the motivation quote...I love it :)
you're a cute prego mamma jessie! do you guys have any names picked out yet? last time i saw Brindi was at Hayes's baptism in February so she looks a lot more pregnant in that picture. how exciting!
Good for you guys for taking a trip before the baby Maddie comes. When is that anyway?
I can't believe it's been a year already. We just have to get Naomi and Kalicia married off now. Tasha's pretty much there.
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