There are two bad words in our house: "dinnertime" and "naptime." Lately Maddie has been beyond stubborn when it comes to her naps, and she has learned she can climb out of her crib, so my attempts are pretty fruitless. I usually resort to lying with her on the couch until she falls asleep, but today she wouldn't even do that. I put on a movie for myself and continued to ask her to come lay down by me. She would smile, then retreat to play under her table. She sang made up songs. I heard words here and there about things she had done recently. She played with her fork like it was a doll. She tried to eat popcorn kernels she found on the floor. She asked for her McQueen pillow and eventually...fell asleep. I love this stubborn girl.
Oh Jessie! i'm sorry- she's just 2!! No naps are hard, but at least she will go to bed earlier????
That is SO dang cute. My kids stopped before they turned two also. I just made them play quietly in their room for the same amount of time. I (and they) both need the break!
I love when kids fall asleep in random places. I can't believe is already giving up her naps...doesn't she know what those naps mean for her mommy? I love that she is covered in stickers/tattoos also.
She's so funny. I love that she chooses the floor over her comfy crib. The next step is getting her to admit she's tired.
THat picture is priceless. SHe is so adorable and we may call it stubborn, but she knows who she (Miss Independence) is and what she wants and that is a good thing in this crazy backwards mixed up world we live in.
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