Casey is so adorable with Madeline. It melts my heart to see them together. She will definitely be "Daddy's little girl", and he will definitely be "crazy-over ptotective Dad". He's already put his foot down about piercing her ears while she's a baby. I've agreed to wait until she asks. I'm not sure if I'll enforce the no makeup until her wedding day though.
Oh my gosh, she reminds me so much of you as a baby in that picture. Her little chubby cheeks are so cute! Looks like we have another "Chunky Bubs."
So Cute both of them! How was the blessing weekend? I hope all went well!
cute...i'm thinking about doing the baby ear piercing as well.
that's so cute! every dad needs his "dady's girl" brakelle is like that with bryan. it's so fun to watch.
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