Lewis Family First Halloween Celebration:
Casey had such a great idea for our Halloween costumes; the only problem is we didn't act until the day of Halloween. Initially we were going to buy Casey a powder wig, get him all decked out in green clothing, then he would wear his cardboard head gear. I was going to find a brown/gold hoodie/cape and carry a baby doll in the hood, then wear my appropriate cardboard head gear. Get it, Casey's a dollar bill and I'm a Sacajawea dollar coin. Instead we have very quickly drawn cardboard cutouts. We went to Kiwana's Park for the Halloween festival with hopes of winning an awesome prize in the costume contest. We entered the family category. (We brought Raheem; he was a penny). We were sorely disappointed with our loss to a family of Peter Pan characters and a couple dressed as Batman and.... Batman. Ours was definitely the most clever AND it was homemade. We're winners in our own eyes.
Sacajawea, haha. I get it cuz you're and Indian! funny! ooop how un PC. You're Native American.
Hey, let me spice up your blog. Come over Friday and we'll work on it. It's gotta be more fun!
Hey! i just found your blog through koe so i'm addnig you as a friend!
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