Monday, March 1, 2010

Book #2

So for February I read Ender's Game, which was a completely different novel than the Memory Keeper's Daughter. I enjoyed the faster pace and sci-fi feel. I'm a big fan of Ray Bradbury and C.S. Lewis, so this type of stuff entertains me. It was a young adult book so that always helps with the entertainment factor. I did glaze over a bit during the battle scenes and battle talk, but overall I enjoyed the read. I'm trying to mix up the genres each month, so for March I'll be reading One of Ours by Willa Cather.


Aly said...

Sweet! I was convinced I wanted to name my first boy Ender in high school. And I love Willa Cather! This is fun. Keep me posted.

LauriAnn said...

I totally love Willa Cather. I just read Song of the Lark in January, but O Pioneers and My Antonia are my favorites. You will have to let me know how One of Ours goes!

Jenna said...

Ender's Game is definitely a classic. I'm liking this book a month thing you've got going! Hope you keep sharing.

Anonymous said...

So Jessie, I'm up late scouring the internet for a cute girls skirt tutorial. I happen upon this site called the Secret Stitch Club. Looks cute ... scrolling ... and find this huge wall art portrait of YOU? What the heck? Then I look at the girls in apron pic. that I saw on your site once. Marci showed it to me, and every now and again I check in on you. Anyway, was totally fun to see you and a little about what's going on. Did you know I took a knitting class once with Orson Scott Card's mom? That baby girl is Ador . A . ble!!!
Suzanne (Marci and Brindi's Aunt)

Jessie Lewis said...

Hi Suzanne! It's been so long since I've seen you! Thanks for checking in on me. How funny that you found our sewing blog; I've been doing it for about a year and am loving it.

Kachelle said...

i'm so glad someone else i know has read that now! i love that book!

ms said...

Mr. Eisley read that to our 8th grade class, and then we "played" Ender's game when we finished it. I don't remember anything really, except the game we played with the lights off - does that tell you how with it I was at age 13? Wow.

I'm glad you liked it - maybe I'll give it a try again.

nancylove said...

ed hardy clothing
ed hardy caps
Kobe Bryant
Lebron James
Kevin Garnett

Jill Manning said...

I keep hearing about this book and have yet to read it. But I'm seeing that we have similar tastes in a lot of things so I may just have to go check it out. Can't wait to see what other books you read. I love this book-a-month thing, I may just have to copy you.